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Updated July 4, 2022

The Annex is a popular, gay dance club in Shinjuku area of Tokyo.

The Annex has more of an underground feel to it and a bit cruisy. Crowd is usually on the younger side and mostly Japanese locals with a smattering of tourists. Late night dancing and Japanese cocktails await you at The Annex in Shinjuku Ni-chōme of Tokyo.

Note: The Annex is run by the same owners as Arty Farty, one payment to either and you have access to both clubs for the night.


Futami Bld. 1F, Shinjuku 2-14-11
Tokyo, 160-0022

Local number
03 3356 5029
Dialing from abroad
+81 3 3356 5029


  • Bisexual
  • Cruising
  • Gay


  • Dance
  • Top 40
  • Traditional

Dates & Hours

November 10
5 pm - 12 am
November 11
8 pm - 4 am
November 12
8 pm - 4 am
November 13
8 pm - 4 am
November 14
8 pm - 4 am
November 15
8 pm - 5 am
November 16
8 pm - 5 am

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As hot as it gets.
Don't miss out.
Toasty warm and well
worth the visit.
Heating up, with
room for improvement.
Starting to
cool off.
Any one else getting
seriously chilly?
Completely leaves
us cold.

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A lesbian, gay, queer, and transgender crowd at a gay club dancing the night way after finding the club on Rainbow Index

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A lesbian, gay, queer, and transgender crowd at a gay club dancing the night way after finding the club on Rainbow Index