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Updated June 10, 2021

Club Stargayzers is a popular LGBTQ+ hangout in Cape Town.

This venue is casual in its atmosphere so you can party or kick back depending on whatever mood you're in. Drinks are much cheaper than some of the other gay clubs in the city. Resident DJs spin a mix of Pop, RnB and the latest international hits. If you're not much of a dancer, you can enjoy a game of pool or karaoke on the ground floor. Bustling dance beats and friendly patrons await you at Club Stargayzers in Cape Town.


16 Caxton St, Parow East
Cape Town, 7501
South Africa

Local number
072 595 0933
Dialing from abroad
+27 72 595 0933


  • 18+
  • Bisexual
  • Gay
  • Hetero-friendly
  • Karaoke
  • Lesbian
  • Pool Table
  • Queer


  • Dance
  • Hip Hop
  • Pop
  • R&B
  • Top 40

Dates & Hours

December 08
December 09
December 10
December 11
December 12
December 13
9 pm - 5 am
December 14
9 pm - 5 am

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As hot as it gets.
Don't miss out.
Toasty warm and well
worth the visit.
Heating up, with
room for improvement.
Starting to
cool off.
Any one else getting
seriously chilly?
Completely leaves
us cold.

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A lesbian, gay, queer, and transgender crowd at a gay club dancing the night way after finding the club on Rainbow Index

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A lesbian, gay, queer, and transgender crowd at a gay club dancing the night way after finding the club on Rainbow Index